One To World is committed to operating with transparency and sharing the meaningful impact of our work with supporters and the public. Visit our Annual Reports, 990 Forms and Auditor’s Reports below to learn more about our impact on international students and local communities. 

Annual Report

Thank you to our community


Dear friends,

In looking back over the 2021-2022 year, the first word that comes to mind is transformation.

It’s been difficult to navigate our ever-changing circumstances throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. And unfortunately, the pandemic is not the only global crisis we are facing right now.

In a world that feels more divided than ever, we need to work together to create and empower generations of global citizens who will build a more just and equitable world. And we each need to make a commitment to act and create lasting, positive change.

At One To World, we do that by creating opportunities every day for cross-cultural dialogue. We facilitate face-to-face experiences where people of different backgrounds and cultures can share ideas, challenge assumptions, and ask questions. Each moment in our programs—from a holiday dinner with international students and a local resident, to a Fulbright scholar sharing their customs with K-12 students, to a corporate leader sharing their expertise in international business—creates a change in people’s hearts and minds. That is what makes One To World so special.

That work would not be possible without our incredible support system of friends, members, hosts, alumni, and donors. We want to thank you so much for your commitment and time over the last year. We hope as you read through the rest of this report, you know how vital you are to each and every success.

Just as we share so many challenges, we also share a world of possibility, promise, and opportunity. We look forward to a year of transformation ahead with you.



Creighton Condon

Board Chair    

Jen E. Clarke 

Executive Director

Read our 2022 Annual Report to learn more about One To World’s impact in the 2021-2022 school year. 

Previous Annual Reports

2021  |  2020  |  2016   |   2015

Auditor's Reports

2018   |   2019   |   2020

2021   |   2022   |   2023   |   2024

990 Forms

2018   |   2019  2020 

  2021   |   2022   |   2023